This does not bode well for the people who came out and supported the Tahrir Square protests that lead to the ouster of long time dictator Hosni Mubarak. Maikel Nabil Sanad, an Egyptian blogger who was
arrested by Egyptian intelligence and interrogated during the protests, was just sentenced to three years in jail for a blog post
attacking the military regime. One of his biggest accusations is that the military was secretly arming the police who were shooting protesters. He also accuses the junta of trying bamboozle the pro-democracy movement into believing that the military is supporting the revolution while they plan to replace Mubarak at the top instead of replacing the entire system.
One swallow does not a summer make, but it will certainly make pro-democracy factions in Egypt nervous of the new regime implementing genuine reforms.
Here is a picture of Maikel holding a sign saying, "
we refuse the army stealing the people's revolution!"

Thanks to SO for translating.
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